Imagine those instances when a runny nose, constant sneezes, and watery eyes take complete control over your mind and body. Heavy congestion not only makes you physically weak but it also hampers your energy levels and mood. The state of drowsiness takes a toll but you can't get a blink of sleep because of shallow breathing and clogged throat.
For temporary relief, you get a quick hand of vapor rubs and try out different remedies. Unfamiliar with the fact that vapor rubs and nasal inhalers can provide quick relief but they do not cast a long-term positive impact on the body. A diverse array of problems with no solution? Not possible.
Essential oils are a simple, yet very effective solution that has been used for ages to alleviate congestion, cold, and other respiratory discomforts. Whether you are dealing with seasonal allergies, bacterial infections, rhinitis, or sinusitis, the bioactive compounds of essential oils will work as expectorants. They help in loosening mucus, reducing inflammation, and promoting free breathing.
Top 10 Essential Oil for Congestion
We have crafted a list of the 10 best essential oils for congestion to help you breathe better without any difficulty.
Eucalyptus oil
The powerful botanicals like eucalyptol present in eucalyptus essential oil work as a natural expectorant and support the free discharge of stored mucus. Its antimicrobial properties effectively eliminate infectious bacteria and allergenic viruses, detoxifying the respiratory tract. This provides ease of breathing and relief from the bugging feeling of congestion.
Tea tree oil
Pure tea tree essential oil contains a rich mass of antioxidants like alpha-terpineol that kill harmful bacteria and prevent the worsening of infections. The natural fragrance of tea tree herbs will provide you with comfort and relief from restlessness without overpowering your senses.
Oregano oil
The active presence of carvacrol and thymol in oregano essential oil can effectively reduce pain and inflammation in the respiratory tract. It also shows antispasmodic effects on colds and other viral infections. Use diluted oregano essential oil in a diffuser or prepare a warm bath with a few drops of oregano oil to calm aching nerves and swollen nose.
Clary sage
Organic Clary sage oil works as an excellent decongested and provides quick relief from cold and congestion. The anti-bacterial attributes of clary sage essential oil eradicate airborne bacteria and germs from the air, making it a natural air purifier. Spray a homemade mist made from pure clary sage essential oil in every corner of your home to combat the risk of various allergies and infections.
Lavender oil
Lavender essential oil poses mystical therapeutic powers. It has a soothing floral fragrance that provides relief from the effects of congestion and promotes relaxing sleep. These calming and soothing effects of lavender oil are widely appreciated for calming the aching muscles of the respiratory tract. Mix it along with your bath water or regular body lotion for many amazing results.
Rosemary oil
This organic magic of rosemary flowers is no less than a healing blessing of nature. You can directly inhale diluted rosemary essential oil or apply it on your chest and nose for instant relief from nasal and throat congestion. The soothing symphony of rosemary oil will promote enhanced circulation and healthy breathing.
Amber Essential oil
The woodsy scent of amber essential oil is a comforting touch on the swollen membrane and nasal passage. It works as a defensive shield against infections and enhance the natural immunity levels of the body. If you constantly deal with a heavy cough and sore throat, do not forget to use this organic relief remedy.
Bakuchi oil
Most of the time nasal dryness further increases the effects of congestion and makes it very difficult to breathe freely. Traditional plant supplements like bakuchiol oil contain nourishing fats that gently lock up hydration in the membrane. However, always ensure that your bakuchiol oil should be pure and undiluted. Then only it will cast desired results.
Myrrh essential oil
This concentrated essential oil is an anti-cold agent with immense healing nutrients. The preventive measures of rich antioxidants regulate the flow of parasites that cause allergies and adverse reactions. Moreover, it has a very gentle aroma that aids in reducing headaches and feelings of fatigue.
Rose essential oil
The sweet essence of rose essential oil is well-known for its cleansing and purifying effects. This potent rose extract clarifies the respiratory tract by combating mucus. It has a herbal-citrusy aroma with fresh floral blends that calm nervous tension and uplift mood.
How to use essential oils for congestion
To make the most of above stated essential oils, ensure safe usage and follow these simple methods and tricks.
Direct Inhalation: It is the most convenient and travel-friendly option for making desirable use of essential oil. Drop a few drops of essential oil on your handkerchief or dip a cotton ball in diluted essential oil and keep it near you.
In Diffusers: Mix 3-4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil along with 4 drops of lavender essential oil in a diffuser for instant relief from congestion. However, do not forget to dilute these essential oils with any mild carrier oil like virgin coconut oil or sweet almond oil to neutralize their effects.
Warm compression: A warm compression can significantly reduce the heavy feeling of congestion. Infuse a few drops of essential oil in a bowl of warm water. Dip a cotton cloth or wipe and place it over your nose and forehead for a few minutes.
Aromatic mist: Spray a few drops of natural lavender-jojoba mist in every corner of your bedroom or home. Just mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil in 30 ml of distilled water. Your handmade mist is all set for use.
Steam: Add a small amount of oregano essential oil in warm bath water or take steam by mixing a few drops of clary sage oil with avocado oil in filtered water.
By now you must have become familiar with the many ways of employing these potent plant extracts to combat congestion. Essential oil not only provides you relief but also blesses your body with the care and nourishment it requires. They are very gentle and soothing on the fragile membrane of the nose and do not cause reactions like over-the-counter medicines do.
However, always be responsible and rational with their adoption. Do not use them in excessive amounts or it might hamper your overall health.
What essential oil breaks up mucus?
The floral fragrance of many natural essential oils like clary sage oil, lavender oil, Amber essential oil, and myrrh essential oil helps in clearing out mucus from the membrane.
Where to put peppermint oil for a stuffy nose?
The best is to apply a few drops of diluted peppermint essential oil on your pulse point or you can simply make the most of it by using it in a diffuser.
What oil is good for cough and congestion?
Eucalyptus essential oil is one of the best essential oils. It effectively reduces the flow of harmful bacteria and viruses from the respiratory tract making it clear and healthy for breathing.
Where do you put essential oils for chest congestion?
Massage a few drops of diluted essential oil on the chest and forehead for effective results.
Which is the best website for buy Essential oil?
You can buy 100% pure and natural essential oils from Aromachology Oils. We are a leading wholesale supplier of bulk essential oils, absolute oils, CO2 extracts, essential oil blends, oleoresins, and many other natural products. Check our website Aromachology Oil for further knowledge about our extensive services.