In this blog I’ll be going over possible best essential oils for dog ear infections and how can you use them. I am also going to talk about recipes, blends and usage instructions.
Essential oils are not just a lifestyle choice, they are natural elements that can heal you and your pets as well.
While pets tend to not get along with essential oils, there are certain exceptions provided you use them right.
Best Essential Oils For Dog Ear Infection
When it comes to medical applications, I always recommend herb-derived essential oils. For ear infections in particular, Oregano, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus are some of the best choices given their content and benefits.
Let's see why and how.
Oregano Oil For Dog Ear Infection

The first oil I want to highlight in this list is Oregano. The spicy herb has uses outside of seasoning as well, contrary to popular belief. Its essential oil goes on to prove just that.
From fighting parasites to reducing cancer risk, Oregano essential oil is a behemoth that can guard your health in ways you might not have imagined.
Carvacrol is an organic phenol found in abundance in Oregano. It is a key ingredient giving Oregano its characteristic fragrance and taste.
However, what makes carvacrol truly a force to be reckoned with is its antimicrobial properties known to help stop the growth of bacteria.
Antibacterial Details
What you should also know is that it is also effective against a bacteria such as MSRA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), E Coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa which are prominently known for causing ear infections in dogs, making Oregano essential oil a great choice for treating the same.
That's not all folks, it is also loaded with antioxidants!
Antioxidant Details
Carvacrol, thymol and rosmarinic acid are three major antioxidants found in oregano essential oil. This makes Oregano a suitable choice for you to combat yeast overgrowths which are known to cause ear infections as well.
If Carvacrol still hasn’t impressed you, may I inform you that Carvacrol is an antioxidant capable of killing cancer cells and inhibiting their growth as well.
In for a penny, in for a pound, anyone?
Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree essential oil, aka “Australian oil” due to its Aussie origins, is known for its versatility. The oil has been a part of many natural remedies since time immemorial. Out of these remedies, many are made keeping the skin of your pets in mind too.
But what makes this natural essential oil so efficient?
It has a list of naturally occurring components like
These three organic compounds are key in maintaining your dog’s skin health in their own ways. These compounds help you treat acne, mites, itching and infections leading to earaches and keep your dog’s coat safe from ticks and fleas commonly known to cause your dog discomfort.
All of the aforementioned compounds work in tandem to shield canines from a majority of dermatologic issues surrounding the ears ensuring an ear infection is the least of your problems.
This is the reason why you might find tea tree oil with other oils like geranium in a lot of dog shampoos too.
Why Use Essential Oils For Dog Ear Infections?
The contents of essential oils and the potency they carry are beneficial, but you and I aren’t the only ones who stand to gain from this.
Your dog has plenty to gain from essential oils as well.
While they are more sensitive to the characteristics, a careful approach to application can ensure your pets reap the benefits of these medicinal oils and face 0 repercussions.
But why would I bother to learn to use essential oils when there are medicines available?
Conventional medicines bring with them a host of side effects which can be bypassed if you choose to use essential oils.
Essential oils offer a holistic approach to treatments that OTC medications can’t. This alone makes the investment of time, effort and money worth it
Essential Oil Recipes For Dog Ear Infections
By now you already know that essential oils are very potent and it is not advisable to apply them directly on human skin, let alone dog skin, which is likely to react worse. You need to make dilutions for safety and blends for greater effect.
Basically, you need a recipe with essential oils as the star ingredient.
Oregano oil recipes for dog ear infection
- 1 drop of oregano essential oil
- 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil (coconut or olive oil are good choices)
- Make sure the oils are thoroughly mixed well before use.
- Once mixed, take a cotton ball and absorb the mixture in it.
- Apply it lightly on the outer flap of your dog’s ears and check for a reaction.
If there is no reaction, only then proceed to apply the oil on the rest of the flap.
You can also mix oregano essential oil with warm aloe vera juice as aloe vera is also known to have rejuvenating properties.
Mix 1 drop of oil in 30 ml of juice thoroughly. Take the mixture, absorb it in a cotton ball and apply it topically on your dog’s ears. Check for adverse reactions before applying it thoroughly.
Tea Tree essential oil recipes for dog ear infection
Based on the ailment you wish to tackle, Tea Tree essential oil for dogs can be a great idea and has multiple blends that you can use for maximum efficiency.
Refer to the list below.
For Acne Removal:
- Mix 2 drops of Tea Tree oil with 8 drops of Coconut oil and 2 drops of Witch Hazel oil.
- Once you’ve mixed the three oils properly, proceed to use a clean cotton ball to absorb it and apply over the acne.
- Do not use this mix if your dog has pimples as it is not advisable to apply the mix on open wounds or scratch prone areas.
Ringworm blend:
- Take 3/4th cups of water, 3-4 drops of Tea Tree oil and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Mixed the three similarly. Apple cider vinegar may be met with a reaction by your dog which is why we’ve mixed the two in water.
- Mix the three thoroughly and use a cotton swab and dropper to properly apply the blend on the afflicted areas.
Tick repellent mix:
- 3 drops of Tea tree oil, 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or aloe vera gel: mix the two thoroughly in roughly a glass of water or more.
- Dilution may reduce the effectiveness of the mix but it's better than the mix being overwhelming for dogs, so it’s better to be liberal with your water usage.
- Store the mix in a spray bottle and use it as a wash spray it on their collar.
- It is recommended to avoid spraying areas that are prone to be licked as ingestion can prove to be dangerous for your pet.
Precautions To Keep In Mind
I've said it once and I'll say it again: Essential Oils come with their fair share of risks. While they have proven health benefits, one can only avail them with proper usage and medical consultation.
Do not determine what oils can be used with your canine companion (if they can even be used).
Always consult a vet for their opinion before deciding to use essential oils with your pets in any capacity.
Once you get the green light from the vet, make sure you mix the oil well, dilute it enough to ensure it doesn’t become overbearing for them or cause them more discomfort than relief.
As long as you can adhere to these two non-negotiables, I see no reason why you shouldn’t explore holistic approaches to remedying your pet’s ailments.
Conclusion For Best Essential Oils For Dog Ear Infection
Pets and essential oils have always been a delicate combination, and for good reason. You want to use them for improving their health, but mistakes in application can do more harm than good. So it’s better to be sure than sorry:
Make sure the vets approve your choice of oil.
Ensure your dog can handle the usage.
Be sure to adhere to the guidelines regarding usage.
As long as you can take care of the above, I’m sure you and your pet will be happy you made the choice of trying these natural remedies out.
How can I treat my dogs ear infection naturally?
Natural and pure essential oils can be a great option to naturally treat dog ear infection. You need to first check with the vet on this and then follow any of the recipes I have listed above.