Eucalyptus essential oil is a medicinal oil known for a plethora of benefits. Derived from Eucalyptus tree leaves, it is known to help with respiratory ailments, headaches and dental issues too.
With so many benefits galore, you might wonder, is eucalyptus essential oil safe for cats?
The answer, sadly, is no.
When diffused, essential oils are generally passable for cats in lighter quantities. However, Eucalyptus essential oil contains a certain chemical called Eucalyptol.
This chemical belongs to the phenol family, which can’t be assimilated by the liver of a cat. This incompatibility leads to toxic build up over prolonged exposure.
So wouldn’t avoiding oral application suffice as a precaution?
To be honest, this thought came to my mind as well when I first heard of Eucalyptus essential oil being dangerous as well. The problem, however, is that ingestion is unavoidable.
Maybe you’ve applied eucalyptus oil on your skin, but prior to complete absorption you ended up coming in contact with your cat.
The bits of oil that get in contact with its skin can end up causing rashes, or even worse get licked by the feline while cleaning its coat.
Is eucalyptus essential oil safe for cats to smell?
Little would change even if you were to simply diffuse the oil into your surroundings.
Diffusers and humidifiers spray a mist which is a mix of essential oil and water vapor. Knowing that water and oils don’t mix, if cats were to inhale the same, they would basically end up ingesting the oil nasally.
This can be greatly uncomfortable for your felines as they possess an olfactory system way more sensitive than ours.
What smells pleasant to you could potentially be overwhelming for them.
What Do I Do If My Cat Licks Eucalyptus Oil?
The instant response has to be removing your cat from the vicinity of the oil.
This is crucial to ensure further exposure to the oil. If the oil has dropped on its fur, gently wipe it with a clean cloth or tissue and dilute it with a safe oil to reduce the risk of absorption.
After initial preventive measures have been taken, it is highly advised to closely monitor your pet for symptoms of toxicity such as drooling, nausea and vomiting.
In case of minimal contact, removing your cat from exposure should eventually fix things.
However, if conditions don’t improve, you should consider reaching out to your veterinarian as soon as possible to avoid risking complications.
Watch this video: Are Essential Oils Safe For Cats ? [Cat Friendly Essential Oils] (05 min 50 secs)
Cat-friendly Essential Oils
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria)
The herb is a feline favorite, that much is common knowledge. The oil, hence, by extension is also one of the more favorable oils for cats. Most cats are known to respond positively to catnip.
It is known to make them playful, acting as a mood booster for your feline companions.
As always, moderation is highly advised when using essential oils with cats.
Lavender Essential Oil
Its calming effects truly transcend the boundaries of species. Not only can you and your pet calm down with the help of Lavender essential oil, it is also known to help reduce agitation in them.
This makes it a viable choice for helping cats settle into foreign surroundings. While it is recommended as a safer choice than most Natural essential oils, caution should still be exercised when taking cats into account.
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Other than having a lot of spiritual benefits, cedarwood oil is lower in phenolic compound concentration. Hence, it comes across as a feline-friendly choice of oil. It’s mild scent makes it easier on the olfactory senses as well. Not only does it have a calming effect similar to Lavender but it also helps repel insects, making it a neat choice.
Does the smell of Eucalyptus repel cats?
It does have a strong, pungent odour that may not be pleasing to cats, but it doesn’t repel them per se. Citrus scents such as orange, lemon and citronella are more likely to repel cats.
Can I diffuse essential oils around my cats?
While it isn’t endorsed you do so, it is possible.
Opt for oils that are suitable for your furry friends, and ensure you use a high quality diffuser. A good diffuser goes a long way in dispersing the oil into fine mist particles. Dilute the oils more than you normally would. This would ensure you don’t risk causing harm to your pets.
Run short diffusion intervals, and monitor your cat in between to check its response to the oil diffusion.
Consulting your vet is always recommended before trying anything like this.
Common Signs & Symptoms Of Poisoning
Essential oil poisoning occurs when cats ingest, inhale or come into contact with essential oils containing compounds that are toxic to them.
There are several indicators of the same which should be taken note of:
Gastronomic Issues
Breathing complications
Slow/shallow breathing
Skin and Eye irritation
Often denoted by redness
CNS Damage
Depression or lethargy
You have to note that all cats are different, and need not react to essential oils the same way. Two cats may react to the same oil with completely different symptoms and that’s perfectly natural. It is however, recommended you consult a vet at the earliest regardless
Concluding Thoughts
By now you would have all information about the burning question - is eucalyptus essential oil safe for cats? Short and simple answer is no, eucalyptus essential oil is not safe for cats and you should even avoid diffusing it around it.
As a responsible pet owner, you need to store your oils away from your feline friends. If in case your cat comes in contact with the oil, wash it immediately and monitor for any signs of toxicity.
Just like us humans, all cats are different too and so are their signs of poisoning. Hence, I would recommend consulting a vet anyhow.